Well Mary’s Lazagna exceeded all expectations! And was nicely complemented with Maggie’s delicious warm bread!
The day was deceiving with a great shot of sunshine but by the time the meal was ready we were ready as well!
Sunday Results:
MVP was Jonathan who won 3 of the 8 races, Jack Bennett came back fighting and won 2 of the 8 races followed by
Mary, Anna and Jay who each took one of the events.
Frostbite Series:
Jonathan Gorbold takes the gold
Mary & Bill Schmidt share the silver with a tie for second place
Overall High Point:
Jonathan maintains a very small lead over Bill Schmidt followed by Mary Schmidt. For the complete results “click here”
I would like to thank everyone for there participation, donations, and good humor the entire year.
It is now time to take a pause and enjoy the Holidays.
It will not be long before spring so don’t hide your boat too far in the closet. Providing the ice is gone we will be back on the water racing March 29th, 2015.
Our first major event will be the walkabout at Holiday Harbor where you could win this——bottle of champagne!!!!!!! But not likely!!!