2024 Season is off to a slow start.

It seems that the weather alerts are keeping most of our racers away. For the last few weeks we have called our races after a few starts to avoid the pop up showers that keep coming.

As it stands now Jay Niggli will walk away with the spring series having just one week left to race. It does not mean that the trend will continue. It is my intent to catch him for the overall during the summer and fall series.

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2023 Season Begins With Walkabout Regatta

2023 Walkabout Sailors

After many delays we were able to get in 2 races for our annual Walkabout Regatta to begin the season. It was chilly and cloudy but the wind was ever present from some direction. The racing theme for the day was bring your sail in -no – let your sail out.

Jack Bennett was nice enough to host the party at the conclusion of racing. Everyone contributed to all the fixing and drinks on display.

After tallying up the scores with modifications it was Mary Schmidt taking first place and taking home this year’s award.

Championship Borboun Decanter

We will once again be using the south dock at CYC for most of our racing on Sunday afternoons. Please check the RC calendar for dates and times.

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2022 Racing Season Ends

The 2022 racing season has come to an end with Jay Niggli receiving the majority of the awards. He managed to win the Spring series, the Summer series and the Overall series this year. The Fall series was a very competitive series with just 5 points separating first and fourth place. Winning the series was Rich Furstoss (net 37), Richard Phelps second (net 38) and Tim Follette third (net 40).

Next year’s schedule is on the calendar for your viewing.

May everyone enjoy the Holidays & best wishes all!!!!!

See you in the spring~~~~~~~The Admiral

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Jay Niggli Wins Summer Series 2022

Due to some technical difficulties you have not been receiving any news for some time. I am happy to say that most of the Gremlins are gone and most everything is now working again.

I was able to catch Bill Blevins while he was in port from sailing the east coast and have him take a look at the web site problems. I don’t know what he did but he turned the right switch and has returned to the Atlantic adding on more miles at sea.

Jay ran away with the Summer series and is on his way to capture the Fall series and quite possibly the Overall series.

Jay Niggli

Finishing a distant second was Tim Follette and Nelson Habecker third.

The Fall series is starting out slow with a lack of wind and several power boat interruptions. Our favorite place to race is off the boat launch which attracts several power boaters during the summer months. Hopefully, cooler weather will begin to keep them away.

  To see the complete results click on “RESULTS”.

Please be aware that there will be NO RACING Sunday Sept. 3nd so that we may all enjoy the Holiday Weekend.  Racing will resume on Sunday Sept. 10th 4:00 pm off the south Dock.

Until then :SAIL FAST”

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RC Laser Fleet 14 began their 2022 racing season with 2 Walkabout races at Holiday Harbor thanks to Jack Bennett. Although Jack could not compete with us he did provide the venue and his home for debriefing following the event.

It was a perfect day for racing. Many of us were recovering from injuries’ obtained over the winter, so the fact that the winds were light allowed us to keep up with our boats. It was darn near 80 degrees with plenty of sunshine. Very few pleasure boats were tied up on the dock which made for very few obstacles to avoid.

Nine of us showed up to race and enjoy the afternoon. The first race could have had a completely different outcome had all the competitors listened to the skippers meeting defining the course, but that didn’t happen. Playing follow the leader, as I am sure we have all done, doesn’t always lead you on the proper course. The leader of the race needs to know the proper course. You must round all of the marks to finish and having the boat racing in third to yell follow me, you know you did something wrong.

As it turns out it was Jonathan Gorbold winning both races even though he was handicapped, having surgery two weeks earlier on his knee.

Check out the complete order of finish on the “RESULTS” page.

Next week we will return to our familiar south dock at CYC to continue our Spring Series Sunday 2-4pm.

The Admiral!!!!!!!

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It has been some time since I last informed everyone about our 2021 racing season. Time does fly when you are having fun.

The Summer Series has ended with myself (Nelson Habecker #54) winning by only 4 boats over Gary Schmidt #59). It may not have happened had Gary not taken a couple of weeks off to visit family.

With just a couple of weeks left it appears that Jay Niggli (#81) will stave off Mary Schmidt (652) who will be holding on to second. See the full results by clicking on “RESULTS”

Plans are currently being made to make this year a special Halloween. Our final race day which happens to be October 31st will be at Holiday Harbor where we intend to bring back our walkabout races to conclude the season.

Following racing we are all invited to Jack’s place at 13 Holiday Harbor for a Mary Schmidt Lasagna plate, breads, salads, good wine and plenty of gossip.

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Summer Series Heats Up

As the summer series heats up the competitors find time to relax. After three weeks of racing scores are very close.

10 Minute equipment adjustment break

Gary, Tim, Richard and myself are all within a few boats of each other. But, with many more races to go it is still anyone who can string together a group of firsts and second that can win the series. Sunday will be another test of our racing skills as the wind will be out of the west coming over the hill at 10 knots which makes for a very unstable breeze.

Check out the scores (RESULTS) and bring your suntan lotion if you are planning to race.

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Spring Series Goes To Nate

With the Spring Series wrapping up last week it was Nate Heinzelman holding off Tim Follette to win the series. No one else could muster enough wins to even come close. Congratulations to Nate!!!!!!

Finishing all alone in third place was a very focused Mary Schmidt (652) .

The 8 week Summer Series is next with everyone vying for that number one spot. The weather for the first week is expected to be summertime warm with winds 15-20 knots out of the south east. Great for setting a course but it will be choppy and “C” sails will probably be the norm.

Covid is now officially over and the wind is at our backs. Good luck to all!!

See you Sunday at 4pm off the south dock CYC.

The Admiral!!!!!!

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With Spring comes eternal life.

Fleet #14 has returned from a year of COVID mask wearing to an unmasked vaccinated much happier fleet. Although you may still wear a mask if desired it is not necessary to join in on the fun.

Nate Heinzelman

Many of our fleet are still away until warmer weather but to some of us it is not a factor. We have had 16 races to date with very close scoring. Nate Heinzelman currently has a short lead on Tim Follette and a bunch of us vying for third. There are still 7 more weeks of racing for the Spring series and much can still happen . Check out the standings on our “RESULTS” page.

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It was a year that we hope not to remember!

Shelter in place ruled for the months of April and May and then no groups and social distancing kept us apart through June. There were times when a couple of RCs found their way to the south dock to practice waiting for a green light from our Governor. Finally in July (phase 3 in New York) racing had begun for some. Masks and continued distancing were to be observed though.

Full Face Mask complete with oxygen

The yacht club never opened during the sailing season and some of our members maintained a very cautious outlook and decided not to race. Those of us that did race had many good days with the wind cooperating most of the time. Actually we were able to string together over 100 races this year. With Sailors Night being cancelled this year’s perpetual trophy will be handed out next year.

It is our intent to continue our Sunday racing schedule thru November 1st and then pause to allow Santa Claus the ice covered lake as a landing pad. His eye sight is starting to fail him and hitting a roof top just isn’t in the cards anymore. I had hoped to have one additional week to rap things up at Jack’s place with Mary’s lasagna but with increase in COVID cases being reported I will impose on her to be prepared for a Spring feast instead.

As part of our COVID-19 relief package, the fleet will not be collecting annual dues until next October. Please use these funds to buy your sweetheart something special for having to put up with you all year without many breaks. My wish is that everyone remains safe and healthy through the holidays and is ready for our full fleet to regain the waters of Canandaigua lake next spring.


Tha Admiral!!!!

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