Our 2018 season ends with Jonathan Gorbold running away with the top spot concluding with a 78.3% win rate. “Very Impressive”.
In our Fall Series it was Jonathan again in the A Fleet, Tim Follette taking top spot in the B Fleet, and Richard Phelps first in the C Fleet. What that means is that Tim is now a member of the A Fleet and Richard is a member of the B Fleet. Welcome to your new fleets. Awards were handed out to all the winners of their perspective fleets on Sailors night. Some of the statistics we shared were that we had 167 races with 1352 starts. That is the most starts and races that our fleet has ever had in one season.
Thanks to everyone that made it possible.
I would also like to share that Jonathan Gorbold, Anna Gorbold, and Rich Furstoss traveled to Rhode Island to represent us in the RC Nationals mid October and did quite well. Please take the time to view the photos, write up, and the full results page.
“Congratulations to all of you”
We will be resuming our racing schedule the Sunday Oct. 28th at 2PM off the south dock at CYC. Although it may be a little colder the breeze should be welcoming and the rain will have ended.
All are welcome Sunday at 2!!!!!!
The Admiral!!!!!!!