Spring Series Now In Full Swing

We are now in the forth week of our Spring Series and it is time to change the clock for future races.  We will now be racing 4:30 pm till 6:30 PM to allow time for all the big boats to clear the docking area.  I am also asking that we unload our boats and then park across the street so we are not blocking the dry dock area.

We had 11 boats come to the starting line last Sunday and would have had 12 except I put a heavy box on top of my transmitter which disabled my rudder.  No worries, it has been fixed and I will be on for the next race date.  And speaking of race dates, there will be NO RC RACING this weekend so we may all enjoy the Memorial Day Holiday.

To see how things are sizing up this year simply click on “RESULTS” for all the boats and scores.

With all the snowbirds back and the fair weather sailors coming out racing is expected to get rather crowded.

The fun has just begun!!!!

See you June 2nd at 4:30 PM south dock CYC for our next race.

The Admiral!


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